Cat Cave Cinema Podcast



A horror podcast where we discuss bleak films from a dark place. Listen here or subscribe on iTunes.


  • Episode 43 - The Perfection

    19/06/2019 Duration: 01h12min

    On this episode we dive into Richard Shepard's 2019 horror film The Perfection. Join us as we talk plot twists, consent issues, intersectionality, and whether this film can handle the weight of the issues it takes on.

  • Episode 42.5

    30/05/2019 Duration: 06min

    Its a mini. You know what it is. Learn about next week's movie and get our advice about whether you should watch it or not.

  • Episode 42: The First Purge

    02/04/2019 Duration: 01h28min

    Continuing our masochistic quest to ingest this cultural phenomenon, this week we are dissecting The First Purge, a prequel that somehow proved even more divisive than the previous installments. Join us as we delve into exposition dumps, our theories about abandoned plot lines, plot holes, prequel future tech (that disappeared in the more distant future), and so, so much more. Skeletor give us strength.

  • Episode 41.5

    01/03/2019 Duration: 07min

    On this mini-episode we get to hear the moment when Pierce breaks and just can't purge anymore. That right, next week we go back to our least favorite franchise to discuss The First Purge. Should you watch it? Is it better? Is it worse? Listen to this mini to get a hint.